- Region
- Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
- Name
- Dr Anthony R Palmer
- Place of employment
- Agricultural Research Council
- Address
- PO Box 101, Grahamstown, South Africa
- Phone
- +27466222638
- Email
- palmert@arc.agric.za
- Fax
- +27466362623
- Name
- George Azenga Keya
- Place of employment
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
- Address
- Kaptagat Road,
P. O Box 57811-00200,
- Phone
- +254 710874621
- Email
- george.keya@kalro.org
- Fax
- Region
- Africa: Northern Africa and Middle East
- Name
- Mounir Louhaichi (current Vice President of IRC Continuing Committee)
- Place of employment
- International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
- Address
- P.O. Box 950764
Amman 11195, Jordan
- Phone
- +9 62 06 – 5920120
- Email
- M.Louhaichi@cgiar.org
- Name
- Mohamed Tarhouni
- Place of employment
- Arid Region Institute
- Address
- Route of Djerba Km 22.5, 4119 Medenine-Tunisia
- Phone
- 00 216 97 862 002
- Email
- medhtarhouni@yahoo.fr
- Region
- Asia: Central Asia and Mongolia
- Name
- Ayurzana Enkh-Amgalan
- Place of employment
- Center for Policy Research, NGO
- Address
- 2nd floor, Inter-office building, Prime Minister
Amar street 4, Sukhbaatar
District 8, Ulaanbaatar 14200
- Phone
- +976 99119027
- Email
- cpr@cpr.mn
- Name
- Dildova Aralova
- Place of employment
- Hydrometeorological Scientific Research Institute at the Hydrometeorological Service Center (Uzhydromet), Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Address
- 72, 1 st Bodomzor yuli str., Tashkent, 100052, Uzbekistan
- Phone
- +998909942685
- Email
- aralovad@gmail.com; aralovad@daad-alumni.de
- Region
- Asia: China and East Asia
- Name
- Guodong HAN
- Place of employment
- College of Grassland, Resources and Environment,
- Address
- 29 East Ordos Street, Saihan District, Hohhot – 010011, Inner Mongolia, PR China
- Phone
- +86-471-4306802,+86-13087122590
- Email
- nmghanguodong@163.com ; hanguodong@imau.edu.cn
- Name
- Fujiang Hou
- Place of employment
- Lanzhou University
- Address
- 768#, Jiayuguan West Road
Lanzhou, 730020
- Phone
- +86 931 8913047
- Email
- cyhoufj@lzu.edu.cn
- Region
- America: north and Mexico
- Name
- Robin Reid
- Place of employment
- Colorado State University
- Address
- Dept of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, 1499 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
- Phone
- +19704915163
- Email
- robin.reid@colostate.edu
- Name
- Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald
- Place of employment
- Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Address
- Camino a la Presa San Jose 2055, Col. Lomas 4ta Seccion, San Luis Potosi, C.P. 78216, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Phone
- +52 444 834 2000 ext. 2029
- Email
- ehs@ipicyt.edu.mx
- Region
- South America
- Name
- Cristina Genro
- Place of employment
- Embrapa South Livestock (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)
- Address
- Rodovia BR-153, Km 632,9 Vila Industrial, Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 242,
CEP: 96401-970
- Phone
- +55 53 3240 4769
- Email
- cristina.genro@embrapa.br
- Name
- Susana Feldman
- Place of employment
- Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
- Address
- Parque Villarino, 2123 Zavalla, República Argentina
- Phone
- +54 3414970080 / cell phone: +54 9341 6256905
- Email
- sfeldman@unr.edu.ar ; susanarfeldma@gmail.com
- Region
- Europe
- Name
- Dr James Bennett
- Place of employment
- Coventry University
- Address
- Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), Coventry University
Ryton Gardens
Wolston Lane
- Phone
- +44(0)2477 651662
- Email
- j.bennett@coventry.ac.uk
- Name
- Bernard Hubert
- Place of employment
- Inra, Unité d’écodéveloppement
- Address
- Centre de recherche Inra PACA,
Domaine Saint-Paul, Site Agroparc,
CS 40509, 84914 Avignon Cedex 9,
- Phone
- +33 6 08 03 49 88
- Email
- bernard.hubert@inra.fr