Proposals to host an IRC must be from a Rangeland Society and must include statements on the following aspects:
Official Sponsorship and Support
- Letter from organisation which will sponsor the IRC.
- Official letter from a governmental agency showing approval and support of the Congress, or a statement explaining that such approval or support is not needed.
- Statement on expected sources of finances.
Rangeland Resources of Host Country
- Brief description of the importance of rangeland within the host country.
- Training and employment of scientists and other workers in the field of range management.
- Rangeland contacts on an international level.
Scientific Exchange at International Level
- Statement from a responsible source recounting recent experiences in issuing visas for attendance at scientific meetings in the proposed host country must be included with the invitation to sponsor an IRC. If scientists from certain countries have been denied visas, or otherwise not issued visas, name the countries on the unacceptable list.
Facilities and Track Record for International Meetings
- Minimum meeting rooms required:
- Space for plenary sessions with 500, or more, attendees.
- Spaces for several concurrent sessions involving 100-200 people.
- All such meeting rooms must be capable of full blackout, be well ventilated, and be equipped with projection equipment and facilities for simultaneous translations.
- Offices, meeting rooms and secretarial services for congress officers and committees.
- Well-appointed hotels, at different cost levels, should be conveniently located with available transportation. Confirmation of hotel spaces for proposed congress dates is advisable.
- Both the meeting centre and hotel accommodation should have a good track record for holding international meetings.
Personnel for Organising the Congress
- Statement to indicate the number of experienced personnel available for organising and conducting a rangeland congress.
- A list of dedicated individuals who will be assigned to key positions in the Organising Committee would be desirable.
Program and Tours
- General outline of the tentative program and tours will be needed.
- A more detailed proposal will be expected after the venue for the IRC has been allocated, for confirmation at the next IRC committee meeting.
- Proceedings will be published in English.
- Facilities and personnel for publishing the Proceedings within one year after the IRC must be assured.
- Papers may be delivered in any languages agreed to by the host organisation, provided simultaneous translation in English is provided.
Reports, etc.
The host organisation must be prepared to report progress to the Continuing Committee at least twice a year after the venue has been allocated. Failure to report can result in re-allocation of the venue.
Registration fees are expected to be the same for members from all countries, including those from the host country. Subsidisation can be provided from funds other than registration fees.
After the offer has been confirmed, the Organising Committee of the host country will have full responsibility for planning and conducting the congress, with help from the Continuing Committee as requested.