Responsibilities of Congress Organizing Committee

Management of Individual Congresses

Management Structure

  1. The host country or sponsoring organization within the host country will, in consultation with the Continuing Committee, name the Congress Chair, or alternatively an Honorary Chair plus an Executive Officer, and appoint an Organizing Committee;
  2. The Congress Chair, or the Honorary Chair and the Executive Officer, on behalf of the appointed Organizing Committee, will be completely responsible for the organization of the Congress;
  3. Once the country and its nominated Organizing Committee has been accepted to act as host to the Congress, it will, after consulting with the Continuing Committee, take the responsibility for deciding the precise venue, location, program, number of participants, etc;
  4. By mutual agreement, the host country or sponsoring organization within the host country of the ensuing Congress may allocate funds to cover office expenditure incurred by the President on behalf of the Continuing Committee but will regardless provide all the necessary facilities and meet all necessary costs of the Continuing Committee in holding committee and business meetings at the Congress.

Congress Structure and Content

  1. Every Congress shall commence with an inaugural function presided over by the Congress Chair, at which no business shall be transacted. The details of the inaugural function will be the responsibility of the Organizing Committee.
  2. There will be at least two business meetings of the Congress, one at or near the beginning, and one at the end.
  3. The Organizing Committee is encouraged to consider the provision of educational and refresher workshops, pre and post congress tours, and mid congress tours and other matters or exhibitions consistent with the aims of the organization, as well as technical sessions.


  1. Publishing of the Proceedings will be arranged by the host organization and copies will be provided to all full members.
  2. An additional number of copies shall be made available for sale to the public and libraries throughout the world.
  3. Likewise, the Congress host will be responsible for inviting contributions to the Congress and presenting them in the form of pre-Congress documents.
  4. Copyright shall be vested jointly in the Continuing Committee and the host Organizing Committee (until the next Congress).

Congress Chair Responsibilities

  1. The Congress (or Honorary) Chair will Chair the Congress Organizing Committee;
  2. The duties of the Congress Chair will include chairing the inaugural function and, where thought appropriate by the Congress Chair in consultation with the President of the Continuing Committee, opening and closing Plenary Sessions;
  3. The Congress Chair will become an ex-officio member of the Continuing Committee for one term immediately following their term in office. Alternatively, the Congress Chair may nominate an ex-officio member to participate on the Continuing Committee.

Post Congress Responsibilities

  1. Within one month from the last day of the Congress, the Organizing Committee will pay to the Continuing Committee a levy of $10 (US) per head for each full membership attributable to the Congress, or such other amount as decided by the Continuing Committee and advised to the Organizing Committee at least 18 months before the Congress.
  2. At the completion of the Congress, the Organizing Committee of that Congress should hand on as much information as possible to the organizers of the next Congress and to the President of the Continuing Committee. This should include (preferably in digital form):
    • The complete mailing list used by the outgoing Organizing Committee.
    • A full list of members of the immediate past Congress, associates, etc.
    • The list of pre-registrants including the names of the people who were unable to attend the Congress.
    • Samples of all relevant forms and documents, membership badges, etc.
    • Detailed budget and expenditure of the last two Congresses.