Resolutions from Prior Congresses

I – Denver, Colorado, USA 1978

II – Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 1985

III – New Delhi, India, 1988

IV – Montpellier, France, 1991

V – Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 1995

VI – Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 1999

VII – Durban, South Africa, 2003

VIII – Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, Peoples Republic of China, 2008

IX – Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2011

X – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 2016

Resolutions Passed at the 1st International Rangeland Congress
Denver, Colorado, USA 1978

Resolution A

Whereas rangelands constitute a major resource of this world, contributing significantly to the food and fiber requirement of an expanding population, and

Whereas substantial optimum production from those rangelands is dependent upon application of the art and science of rangeland management in the broadest context, and

Whereas an awareness of the state of knowledge of both the art and science of rangeland management is dependant upon communication by providing a forum for an exchange of ideas and for valuable contacts between individuals having wide and varying experience:

Be it Recommended that the assembled delegates express their appreciation to the Central Committee and all committees, organizations, and individuals who contributed to the success of tis First International Rangeland Congress.

Resolution B

Whereas the First International Rangeland Congress has successfully proved a forum for worldwide rangeland interests, the US/MAB 3 Directorate has been impressed by the quality and international nature of the presentation, and

Whereas the US/MAB 3 Directorate conducted a well-attended session which provided examples of social science contributions to rangeland issues; and the UNESCO/NAB and US/MAB 3 Directorate have provided substantial financial support for participants, and

Whereas the US/MAB 3 Directorate have appreciated the opportunity to participate and the courtesies extended to them by the Congress, particularly the efforts of Harold Heady, Donald Hyder and David Smith,

Be It Recommended that the MAB3 Programme encourages the continuation of the International Rangeland Congress and the MAB programs from all participating countries be encouraged to contribute to future Rangeland Congresses.

Resolution C

Whereas rangeland management studies designed to determine and document changes in rangeland condition and animal performance as a result of various treatments are by nature long-term studies often requiring a decade or more, and

Whereas for the most part reports presented during this Congress were for studies of short duration,

Be It Recommended the Research Organizations, Individuals, and Development Agencies give full consideration to development, implementation, and funding of research projects of sufficient time to adequately document ecological changes which will provide a basis for sound rangeland management planning.

Resolution D

Whereas approximately 40 percent of the land surface of the earth is only suitable for extensive animal husbandry, and

Whereas the products of rangeland are of a general benefit to the community, and

Whereas many pastoral people have a low standard of living and endure hardship,

Be It Recommended that governments of countries represented at the Congress be encouraged to recognize the importance of these resources and to support the investigation and implementation of appropriate forms of management, and that they also demonstrate a greater concern for the well being of people dependent on rangelands for their livelihood.

Resolution E

Whereas the benefits from proper use and management of rangeland resources around the world are not restricted to rangeland scientists, administrators, managers, or those who derive their living directly from rangeland resources, and

Whereas rangeland resource development, use and management are frequently dependent on people with little understanding or appreciation of the biological, physical, or social factor involved in rangeland resource management, and

Whereas successful development and management of rangelands will increasingly depend upon an informed public,

Be It Recommended that individual delegates and the organizing committees of this and future Rangeland Congresses give full consideration to means of communicating with and informing the general public of the present and potential contributions of rangelands in providing food, fiber, and other needs of an expanding world population and of the problems involved in obtaining optimum sustained rangeland production.

Resolutions Passed at the 2nd International Rangeland Congress
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 1985


Resolutions Passed at the 3rd International Rangeland Congress
New Delhi, October 1988


That the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for Organising Committees of future congresses regarding the program duration, structure and activities. And that the Continuing Committee issue clear guidelines to the Organising Committees to ensure that the topics of papers are relevant to rangeland and are an acceptable standard for international conference papers, be they plenary, keynote, contributory or poster presentation.


That the Continuing Committee investigate a universal definition of rangeland, to be considered at the next Congress.


That the Continuing Committee examine the possibility of developing recommendations from the program of the Congress.


That the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for the operation of the Resolutions Committee. And that the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for Congress participants, for the presentation of resolutions, and that these be announced at the beginning of each Congress.


That the Continuing Committee continue its cooperation with the Grassland Congress Continuing Committee and other organisations.


That for future Congresses, the registration fees include a sum (initially US $10.00) for the Continuing Committee.


The membership of the 3rd International Rangeland Congress, held in New Delhi from November 7 to November 11, 1988, resolves that the Organising Committee be given a hearty thank you for a job well done.

Resolutions Passed at the 4th International Rangeland Congress
Montpellier, April 1991

I. That the Continuing Committee include in the selection criteria for determining future hosts: that the bidding countries are willing and able to offer translation in at least two languages (one of which shall be English) for technical and plenary sessions, and to publish abstracts in these languages;

I. Que le Comité Permanent prenne en considération les critères suivants pour la sélection des pays hôtes : que les pays candidat veille et soit en mesure dassurer la traduction dans au moins deux langues (dont au moins langlais) pour les sessions techniques et plénières, et de publier les abstracts dans ces langues.

II. That elections to the Continuing Committee at an International Rangeland Congress should consider only those delegates who have indicated their intention to attend, if possible, the next two Congresses and to participate in voting and other business of the Continuing Committee between Congresses;

II. Que lélection au Comité Permanent du Congrès International des terres de parcours ne prenne en considération que les candidats qui ont manifesté leur volonté de participer, si possible, aux deux Congrès suivants, aux votes et aux autres affaires courantes du Congrès.

III. That the Chairman of the Continuing Committee may, at his/her discretion, appoint an alternate member from the same region to act in the place of a non-performing member for the remainder of that persons term. Any person so appointed as a substitute should remain eligible for election for a full two terms.

III. Que le Président du Comité permanent puisse décider de nommer un nouveau member de la même région géographique afin de remplacer un member non actif et ceci jusqua la fin de son terme. Tout remplaçant ainsi nommé restera éligible pendant deux mandats successifs.

IV. That the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for Organising Committees of future Congresses regarding programme duration, structure and activities. And that the Continuing Committee issue clear guidelines to the Organising Committees to ensure that the topics of papers are relevant to rangeland and are an acceptable standard for international conference papers, be they plenary, keynote, contributory or poster presentation.

IV. Que le Comité Permanent établisse des règles pour les Comités dorganisation des Congrès à venir, en ce qui concerne la durée du programme, sa structure et ses activités. Quil donne des directives claires aux Comités dorganisation pour assurer que les sujets traités dans les articles aient trait aux terres de parcours et que les communications soient dun niveau acceptable pour une Conférence internationale, quil sagisse de communications plénières, contributions volontaires ou affiches.

V. That the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for the operation of the Resolutions Committee. And that the Continuing Committee develop guidelines for Congress participants, for the presentation of resolutions, and that these be announced at the beginning of each Congress.

V. Que le Comité Permanent établisse des règles pour le fonctionnement du Comité des Résolutions. Que le Comité Permanent établisse des règles pour les participants aux Congrès, en ce qui concerne la présentation des résolutions, et que ces règles soient annoncées dès le début de chaque Congrès.

Suggestions from participants of this Congress, which the Continuing Committee has agreed to transmit to the Organising Committee of the next Congress.

Suggestions faites par des participants de ce Congrès, que le Comité permanent a accepté de transmettre au Comité dorganisation du prochain Congrès.


That the next Congress include in-depth sessions, some of which may have invited speakers. The following themes may be addressed:

Que le prochain Congrès prenne en compte des sessions approfondies, certaines dentre elles pouvant inclure des orateurs invités. Les thèmes suivants pourraient être abordés:

A. The potential impact of increased CO2 absorption in rangelands.

A. Impact potentiel dune augmentation de labsorption de CO2 par les parcours.

B. The balance between woody and herbaceous species, including the effect of herbivory and fire.

B. Equilibre entre espèces herbacées et ligneuses, y compris leffet des herbivores et du feu.

C. Agro-silvo-pastoralism.

C. Agro-sylvo-pastoralisme.

D. Rehabilitation of very degraded areas.

D. Restauration des zones fortement dégradées.

E. Conservation of the biological diversity of rangeland plants and animals.

E. Préservation de la diversité des espèces animales et végétales des parcours.

F. Socio-economic aspects of wildlife, including the relationship to other land users.

F. Aspects socio-économiques de la faune sauvage, y compris relations avec dautres utilisateurs de lespace.

Discussions on these topics should include elucidation of the mechanisms that underlie the major plant, animal and socio-economic phenomena.

Les discussions sur ces thèmes devraient aborder la mise en évidence des mécanismes sous-tendant les principaux processus végétaux, animaux et socio-économiques.


That posters be easily accessible to the main meeting rooms, and that specific times be indicated for the authors of posters to be at their poster, for people to discuss the topic with them.

Que les posters soient facilement accessibles aux principales salles de réunions et que des horaires précis soient notifiés aux auteurs de posters pour que ceux-ci se tiennent auprès de leur poster afin que les participants puissent discuter de leur thème avec eux.

Resolutions Passed at the 5th International Rangeland Congress
Salt Lake City, July 1995

  1. The IRC endorses development of uniformity of grazing terminology and recommends that the existing Forage and Grazing Terminology Task Force report progress at the VIth IRC in Australia.
  2. The membership of the Vth International Rangeland Congress gives hearty thanks for a job well done to the Organising Committee and all responsible for the Vth IRC, including the Society for Range Management and all of the volunteers.


It is strongly recommended that future IRC Organising Committees consider the following:

  • They should form and draw on the experience of an International Scientific Advisory Committee to identify potential speakers to ensure quality and geographic balance.
  • Invited speakers who use case studies should generalise or globalise their results and conclusions.
  • Encourage more participation by farmers and those involved in extension efforts.
  • Send all speakers guidelines for maximum content of slides and overheads for best effectiveness. Guidelines for poster papers should also be sent to all posters accepted.
  • In sessions where numbers of posters are significantly fewer than total spaces available, posters should be spread over existing space to prevent crowding, reduce noise competition, and make all posters more accessible to everyone.

Resolutions Passed at the 6th International Rangeland Congress
Townsville, July 1999

  1. To promote a more efficient and effective interchange of information on all aspects of range and grassland science, and to meet common goals and objectives, the IRC endorses the concept of closer cooperation with the IGC.
  2. The chair of the IRC Continuing Committee should explore mechanisms for meeting common goals and objectives with the chair of the IGC Continuing Committee.
  3. The Organising Committee should be encouraged to give particular consideration to increasing opportunities for developing-country scientists, both women and men, to present their works at future Congresses.
  4. Subjects for inclusion in future Congresses should include:
    (a) Disasters (unplanned fires, flooding, hurricanes, droughts, oil spills, wars and other military disturbances, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms, locusts, and grasshopper outbreaks, etc.); (b) Wildlife, and (c) Decision tools for development agencies.
  5. The membership of the VIth IRC resolves that Organising Committee and all those responsible for putting on the VIth IRC, including the Australian Rangeland Society and all other volunteers, be given a hearty thanks for a job well done.

Non-Binding Resolutions Passed at the 7th International Rangeland Congress
Durban, August 2003

  1. It is suggested that the International Rangeland Congress organisers provide enough facilities and seek funds to support and encourage more scientists from developing countries to be able to participate in forthcoming congresses and meetings.
  2. The membership of the VIIth IRC resolves that that the South African Organising Committee should be thanked for a job well done and congratulated on their efforts and a successful congress.

Non-Binding Resolutions Passed at the 8th International Rangeland Congress
Hohhot, July 2008

1. Whereas the revision of the Terminology for Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals has not been accomplished; the IRC resolves that the revision of the Terminology for Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals be completed by 2009 and presented at both the IX IRC in Argentina in 2011 and the XXII IGC in Sydney, Australia in 2013. This will require the re-constitution of the revision committee.

2. Whereas the World Temperate Grasslands Conservation Initiative held a workshop on June 28th and 29th 2008 as part of the joint IGC/IRG Congress and which resulted in a consensus of participants from seventeen countries in a Hohhot Declaration; and whereas the declaration states that temperate indigenous grasslands are critically endangered and urgent action is required to protect and maintain these grasslands and the services they provide to sustain human life and calls upon all sectors of society to collaborate towards this goal; it is resolved that the IRC endorses the Declaration.

3. Whereas the human capacity in rangeland research and development is still low, especially among young scientists in developing countries;it is resolved that the IRC recognizes this limitation and encourages members to actively facilitate access for young scientists to higher degrees in rangeland science.

4. Whereas the benefits of the joint IRC/IGC meeting held in Hohhot, China in 2008 have been demonstrated, in terms of research and extension/outreach, information sharing, networking, support generated from sponsor groups, and other opportunities for delegates; it is resolved that the IRC Continuing Committee work with the IGC Continuing Committee to hold a joint meeting in 2015 at a venue suitable to both Congresses.

During General Business, The Chinese Organising Committee and all involved were given a hearty vote of thanks, followed by acclamation.

Resolutions Passed at the 9th International Rangeland Congress
Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 2011

Resolution 1: Proclamation of an International Year of Rangelands and Rangeland-based Communities (2015-2016)

  • The IRC recommends that the UN General Assembly launch an International Year of Rangelands and Rangeland-based Communities during 2015 or 2016 to provide an international platform for underscoring the importance of rangeland systems for their multiple functions as well as the urgency of ensuring their sustainable development and management towards achieving food security, poverty reduction, healthy landscapes and adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

Resolution 2: Support initiative to work toward a Global Rangeland Assessment

  • Support the concept of a Global Rangeland Assessment
  • Facilitate the designation of a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Rangeland Working Group to progress initiative
  • Support the establishment of an IRC Committee support work on such an assessment.
  • Encourage the Organizing Committee for the next IRC to build into the program a session addressing and focusing on a Global Rangeland Assessment and sustainability, in order to provide a venue for sharing progress from around the world related to that effort

Resolution 3: Recognition, support and participations of Indigenous and traditional pastoral peoples

  • Encourage strong participation by representatives of Indigenous nations and traditional pastoral peoples in future IRCs and at joint IRC-Grassland Congresses.
  • Work with Congress organising committees to ensure that targeted sponsorship is secured early in the Congress planning stages to enable representatives of Indigenous and traditional pastoral peoples to participate on an equitable basis with other delegates, including opportunities to meet and learn from local people and to experience the environments and cultures of the Congress host country.
  • Invite indigenous people from the localities where each Congress is held to participate in each Congress in ways that are appropriate to local customs, such as to open the Congress and to present their perspectives in presentations, workshops and/or field visits.

Resolutions Passed at the 10th International Rangeland Congress
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 2016

    The delegates from the member countries of the International Rangelands Congress 2016, support a United Nations designation of an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in the Year 2021.
    That future IRC Congress Organising Committees provides a forum for sharing the experiences of all genders, youth and indigenous peoples, so that their perspectives can be better integrated into science and policy regarding rangeland management.
    The delegates and the Continuing Committee of the IRC thanks the organisers of the IRC Canada Congress for an excellent congress, especially the structure of congress sessions, the program and superb organisation, in a very short space of time.
    Future International Rangeland Congresses strive to highlight pastoralism as a multifunctional activity, with sessions linking production, environmental, social, cultural and institutional issues towards local development perspectives.
    The IRC Continuing Committee explore opportunities for joint meetings with allied groups (such as ecology, conservation, economics, social development, wildlife, livestock and grassland groups) to address selected emerging regional/global management issues in rangelands.
    The IRC strive for equal representation of men and women, and substantial representation from the global south, on the Continuing Committee.